Bunnell-Stratford HS Band

Fund Raisers

Cavalcade Ad Book - Fall 2019


Click here to see more - Ad Book Info

Click to buy an Ad with Paypal Purchase an Ad

Please sell as many ads as possible, as 100% of the ads will go to the students' accounts. Your family members may also take ads as well.

  • Ads can be from out of State.

  • Ads may be Tax Deductible.

Sample Ad Page Here


$150 in ad sales must be turned in by the first day of Band Camp -
Aug 19, 2019.

Other upcoming fund raisers for the summer of 2014 will include car washes and shake-a-cans.  These will be posted in an e-mail.  I encourage you to check your e-mails frequently - you will have lots of communication from the band!

Fundraisers to help support individual student accounts
These are fundraisers supported by the Band/Guard Parent Organization for students to participate in to help offset their individual obligation.

•July Fundraiser (and through beginning of October) Ad book- for Cavalcade; info sent out already in e-mail; will send again. 100% of ad book sales go to student accounts.
•August Fundraiser: Popcorn sales- will be available at band camp and due the first week of September.  Students profit 40-50% of sales.
•September Fundraiser: Chrysanthemum sales- info at band camp money due early September, delivery mid September. Students profits between $2.50 – $5.00 per item depending on what is ordered.
•October Fundraiser: Pie and Cookie Dough Fundraiser – info in October, Money due the end of October with delivery in November. Students profit between 33-40% of sales depending on what is ordered.
•November Fundraiser: Pointsettia sales- students profit ranges between $2.50 - $5.00 per item depending on what is ordered
•Ad Book for Winterguard/Drumline Show – distributed in January and due the end of February.  100% of ad book sales go to student accounts.
•Spring Flowers: info comes out in April with money due the end of the month for an early May delivery. Student profit ranges between $2.50 - $5.00 per item depending on what is ordered.  A great way to add money to your student account for the following year.

So what will this look like in 2019?

"Betty Clarinet" is a member of the band. Here is what her "Fund Raising Commitment" will look like:

Betty must send in a deposit of $50 by the first week in July, and then sell $435 in ads for the Cavalcade ad book. (She can use the ads to fund the deposit as well) This must be completed by August 20, of the current school year. If she goes UNDER the goal, then she must pay the difference out of pocket. If she goes OVER the goal, then she can use the credits to pay for other things, such as overnight trips etc.

The total raised by Betty will be $455.

The schedule for fund raising is:
$50 — Due July 1 (that’s one 1/2 page ad)
$150 — Due The FIRST day of Band Camp (Aug 19, 2019) (that’s one full page ad)
$150 — Due September 30 (that’s one full page ad)
$105 — Due October 30 (that’s one full page ad)

Betty will now receive 100% credits for all ads, shake-a-can, car washes, bulbs, mums, pies/cookie dough, and holiday flowers. NONE of those fundraisers will go towards the general fund that helps everyone.

The General Fund fundraisers will include - Returnables, Cavalcade, Indoor Show, Stratford Day Sales, Clothing Drive, Matching Gifts, Donations etc... These will go towards "Bridging the Gap" to help ALL STUDENTS.

In addition - If Betty's Parents DO NOT volunteer at the Cavalcade of Bands and the WGI (Winter Season Show) her "Fund Raising Commitment" goal will be increased by additional $35 per event.

If Betty has a Financial Hardship and anticipates a problem with the "Fund Raising Commitment"- she will apply for assistance (Payment Plan or Work Plan). She will be required to attend fundraisers such as Returnables (once a month). She may be given a lower fund raising goal, if she works at the returnables etc. She may also request a weekly budget plan as well. ALL PAYMENT PLANS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PRINCIPAL AND DIRECTOR.

That's the 2019-2020 plan. There may be some bugs that we haven't planned on, but in general, this takes some of the stress off the Parent Group and "Motivates" students and parents to use the fund raising and attend the big events, such as the Cavalcade of Bands.

Remember - Band is not mandatory. You do not have to participate. But if you choose to participate, you MUST share in the "Fund Raising Commitment" to help fund this outstanding program.

Each year the BHS Band and Color Guard hosts a cavalcade of Band and Color Guards and an indoor guard/drumline show.
The BHS Band and Color Guard does not compete in the Cavalcade, but may compete in the indoor shows. The Cavalcade and Color Guard Show is usually held at BHS.

Each student and his/her family will have several responsibilities:

•Set up cavalcade site
•Playing "host"- helping other groups around our facility and making them feel welcome.
•Working in the stands – airgrams, buttons, 50/50, food, etc.

Students who have Parents who DO NOT participate in the Cavalcade of Bands and WGI/Indoor Show will have an additional amount ($35 per event) added to their "Fund Raising Commitment" goal.